D-49 Tube Microphone

      The D-49 is true to the Famous Neumann M49 Tube Microphone Design based on the AC701K tube And K47-K49-M7 capsule. There is 2 Versions of PCB available, the Round Version wich is 60mm in Diameter and the Square Version wich is identical to the D-47FET in size (44mm * 48mm) The Square kit include the PSU PCB and the AMI T49 transformer Support PCB. Note that the AMI Classic Series BV11 and the Cinemag CM-6511 are also fully compatible with those kits ; Those transformers will be sitting in the bottom platform of the microphone body in the circular version PCB deck. Various Transformer BV11 Style can also be used with this Kit as the transfomer can be mounted inside the microphone Enclosure appart from the PCB. This Kits includes double sided support Transformer PCB that is also compatible with IOaudio custom wound BV11 Transformer



 The PCB kit Allows the construction of either b (filament bias) version or the c (self-Bias) Version of the microphone. The Choice is yours.


D49 Microphone Type Body Available Here



Aputis Mic Kit

D-49 Tube Microphone Square Version PCB Kit

D-49 Tube Microphone

D-49 Tube Microphone With M49 Style Body


D-49 Passive PSU

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